Entries for the Times-News Open are to  be completed using the event’s online entry portal ( Payment should be made in conjunction with entry to ensure that a spot is secured in the event and will not be secured until full payment is made. Bowlers who do not pay online may mail the entry fee to the address below. Entry requests should not be given to anyone and should not be left at any bowling establishment. The committee or the tournament director is not responsible for delays on the part of the United States Postal Service should payment be mailed to the tournament director.

1223 Jonathan Drive
Erie, Pennsylvania 16509-3955

Generally, an initial entry limit is established to help to ensure that the distribution of competitors on each squad is comparable. Often times, as the event approaches, all or most available spots are taken. In these cases, as long as demand is evident, spots will opened up on each squad to handle the additional demand. Due to the fact that this is often the case, bowlers should always sign up for the squad of their preference, regardless of current availability.

For the enjoyment of the competitors, the committee generally runs “brackets” and jackpots and possibly other things for bowlers to participate outside of the primary competition during the qualifier. So that bowlers may be checked in quickly and efficiently and so that squads can remain on time, please arrive at the lanes at least 30 minutes prior to the start of your squad.

As is the common practice of this tournament, we have suggested that the proprietors oil the lanes prior to the first squad of the qualifier and have an expectation that the lanes will NOT be oiled prior to the other squads. Proprietors are encouraged to use their “house shot” with adjustments deemed necessary based on the number of bowlers and number of games. As rounds of the event progress, there is a general expectation that lane conditions will become more challenging in order that a champion be crowned in accordance with the mission of the Times-News Open Bowling Tournament.

Current Entries:

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TNO Entries - TND Entries - Online Entry